Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Preparing For Baby!

So I'm still here...no baby yet. Some of you were probably starting to wonder, with the lack of my posting and all. I have been busy getting ready for the new baby. Last week was spent deep-cleaning every nook and cranny of my house and it seems that this week will be spent re-cleaning everything that I cleaned last week. My kids just don't understand that I want the house to be spotless when we leave for the hospital! (I have major issues with coming home to a dirty house!) Anyway, I saw the doctor yesterday and it turns out that I'm already dilated to a two and she thinks by 38 weeks the baby will be here. I'm really hoping that he/she comes on his/her own by then so that poor Drew doesn't have to share his birthday or worse yet, spend it at the hospital with us! I will not be doing my usual shopping this week as I am super-stocked up and all I really need is some random items for our 4th of July party. Make sure to check out Hy-Vee and Fareway tomorrow as I'm sure they'll have some great last minute deals for the holiday weekend! Oh- and get in on the cheap Edy's ice cream at Target this week! I grabbed some yesterday and it is YUMMY! Good luck on your weekly deals and have a fun and safe holiday weekend!


  1. We will miss you guys SO MUCH this weekend!!! It just won't be the same without a Reinbeck parade and party at the Roberts'. Hang in there...can't wait to see your new little guy/girl.

  2. We will miss you guys too! We are so used to having you guys here that week! Any plans for a trip later this summer?
